MSNBC Reports : MSNBCW : August 30, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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welcome back. 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. i'm pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin this hour with the latest on the race for the white both vice president harris both vice president harris and former former president trump gave duelling news-making interviews on the campaign trail. it was the vice president's first sit-down tv interview since ascending to the top of the ticket, sitting along side her running mate minnesota governor tim walz. she was asked about her policy evolutions on a number of issues including immigration and fracking, saying her values have not changed. the vice president brushing off trump's personal attacks on her. she also talked about the moment she learned president biden was leaving the race last month. >> the phone rang and it was joe biden, and he told me what he had decided to do. and i asked him, are you sure?

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and he said, yes. and and that's how i learned about >> and what about the it. >> and what about the endorsem*nt? did you ask did you ask for it? >> he was very clear he was going to support me. >> now governor walz was asked about what he said about his military service, he was also asked about saying that he and his wife used ivf when they used a different kind of fertility treatment and about statements his campaign made about a 1995 arrest for drunk driving. >> i've been very public, i think they can see my students come out, former folks i served with and they vouch for me. i certainly own my mistakes when i make them. the one thing i'll tell you is i wished in this country wouldn't have to do this, i spoke about our infertility issues because it is hell and families know this and i spoke about the treatments that were available to us. >> donald trump spoke with dasha

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burns and talked about reproductive rights including abortion and said he wants to make ivf treatments paid for by the government or insurance companies if elected. also responded to the criticism over his visit to arlington national cemetery, particularly pictures he took with the families of service members who died in the afghanistan bombing three years ago. >> i was asked to be there by the parents. and by the relatives. and i went there for the parents and the relatives. and while i was there, i didn't ask for a picture. while i was there, they said, sir, could we have a picture at the grave? >> with us now, nbc news white house correspondent aaron gilchrist, and nbc news correspondent dasha burns, msnbc political analyst alexi mccannen and brendan buck, former press secretary to former house speaker boehner and 2012 gop vice presidential nominee paul ryan, also an msnbc political what analyst. what is the harris campaign

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thinking today? >> i think the campaign is feeling pretty good about the interview last night. we have seen surrogates and advisers to the vice president on television since that interview aired on cnn and they have been trying to highlight what they see as some of the key moments of the interview, saying that she talked about and was able to advance points about her plans to build an opportunity economy as she called it, working to build the middle class, she talked about some of her ideas around expanding child tax credit and bringing down grocery prices, for example, and the campaign says that those are things that she said will be defining goals of a presidency and work that she would start on day one. they also talk about how she was able to from their view go at former president trump's economic record and talk about what she believes a second trump administration would do in terms of increasing costs for the middle class, increasing inflation as the campaign says, and they also point out, jose, one point in the interview where the vice president indicated

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that she would look at having a republican as a member of her cabinet, saying she values having diverse voices at the tabl overall, the overall, the campaign indicated they're satisfied with the interview the vice president and governor walz gave last night. and they're looking forward to moving forward, suggesting there could be potentially other interviews and opportunities to hear from the vice president in unscripted settings. >> this was the first one since she is at the top of the ticket. she was asked a number of questions about policy. she answered some. some more deeply than others. what did you make of that? >> look, i think that republicans are doing a good job of trying to make kamala harris out to be someone who voters see she is not. they tried to vilify her and make her some radical leftist, and make her explain for what they call flip-flopping on but positions. but i think what we saw from last night, from kamala harris is a rare example of a leader, a politician who maintains

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intellectual curiosity and because of that, whose views have einvolved and she spoke to those different policy issues that you mentioned. and especially when you consider the other side, i mean, we have to keep asking someone like jd vance whether he has flip-flopped or whether he has maintained intellectual curiosity. he called trump hitler in the past. and now he's serving as his running mate. so, hopefully those questions are going to the other side as much as they were to the vice president last night. >> and brennan, here is what vice president harris had to say about potentially putting a republican in her cabinet. listen to this. >> will you appoint a republican to your cabinet? >> yes, i would. i think it is important to have people at the table, when some of the most important decisions are being made, that have different views, different and experiences. and i think it would be to the benefit of the american public to have a member of my cabinet who was a republican. >> brennan, what did you make of that line? >> well, i think the vice

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president is very clearly committed to this message that she is a mainstream down the middle candidate. the whole convention was built around rejecting that perception that she is far left. they had adam kinzinger, former republican congressman speak two speakers before her. and once again last night, she was very committed to communicating that she is not the candidate that she was in now, 2019. now, look, i think that her real questions about this, she has flip flopped on a lot of issues, and, you know, if you're the trump campaign, you probably don't want to call her a you flip-flopper. you want to say you don't believe her, she is everything she said she was in 2019. it is a pretty remarkable change in position, but i think she probably quite effectively did as well as you can do, just kind of said, you know what, those are not my positions anymore, and move on. and hope that that sticks, hope the voters see that as sincere. i think that's the real do question. do people buy the fact she's changed her position? or is she just masquerading that

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way to try to win votes? i think it is smart politics. i want to know whether or not people will buy it. >> dasha, meanwhile, donald trump made quite a bit of news during the interview when it comes to reproductive rights. what did he have to say now? >> has seen reproductive rights as a liability for republicans. he's been trying to push the party to talk about the issue of abortion differently, to talk about reproductive rights differently altogether. and ivf in particular became a flashpoint, you'll remember when alabama, when clinics there had to shut down and stop ivf services for a time. this is something that republicans are concerned about, they very quickly moved to try to say we're in support of families, we're in support of ivf and now the former president coming out with a policy proposal on this issue. take a listen. >> i was always for ivf, right from the beginning. as soon as we heard about it, it

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is fertilization and helping women and men and families. we are going to be under the trump administration we are going to be paying for that treatment so we are paying for that treatment. >> all americans who want it? >> for all americans that get it, all americans that need it. so we're going to be paying for that treatment or we're going to be mandating that the insurance company pay. >> so either the government will pay for it or the insurance companies -- >> under a mandate, yes. >> look, jose, every time something like what happened in alabama happens, every time you hear a story of a woman who had to travel out of state, who nearly lost her life or a baby that nearly lost their life because of these policies, that reflects poorly on the former president and on the republican party. so, he so, he is very much aware of i also that. i also asked him in our interview about the florida amendment, florida abortion ballot initiative to overturn their six-week ban. he, of course, is a resident of florida, he has said he wants this issue to be a states rights now, issue. now, it is on the ballot in the state that he calls his home.

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so he will have to be voting on he that. he told me that he believes at six weeks, it is too short, he wants more weeks, he said. but he didn't clarify exactly how he will vote on that issue, jose. >> so, brennan, that's kind of an issue we're talking about, you know, perceptions of or reality of flip-flopping. this issue for the former president, you know, he won't say how he's going to vote on this six-week ban issue. but how do you think republican voters are seeing this? >> there are a lot of social conservatives who are really up in arms right now. but, you know, i'm skeptical that they're actually ever going to leave him. the evangelical support for donald trump has been curious from the very beginning, but it has been unwavering nonetheless. but donald trump has very questionable political instincts a lot, but he very much understands that on this issue he's in big trouble. any type of reproductive issue is a bad conversation for him

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and he's been trying to back away from this -- his own record on these issues quite a bit. i'm sure they are seeing polling that show that this is a real big problem for him, and not just that it is an issue that people disagree with him on, it is an issue that we have seen turns out democratic voters in it droves. it was the driving issue that had democrats have the better outcome than we expected in the last midterms and anywhere that it has been on the ballot as it is in florida, a lot of swing states, has hurt republicans and he knows that and he's trying to figure out a way to walk a fine line and he probably is just betting that the people on the right, who believe strongly in these issues are simply not going to abandon him because they haven't for eight years. >> alexi, this is an issue, that as brennan says, has motivated people to come out to vote in the different state initiatives, et cetera. this is something that i guess, alexi, the former president is going to have a tough time convincing people what his

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position is dogmatically, one way or another. >> it is crazy. kudos to dasha for getting him on the record saying something that is as crazy as the most extreme positions he has taken on women and reproductive rights. talk talk about a political palestinian flop. he he thinks it is suddenly politically expedient to say he'll protect women if he's re-elected, he'll pay for ivf treatments when his running mate is, you know, dumping on women who don't have their own biological children, when republicans in the mold of his party have become so extreme that they are coming after birth control, mifepristone, ivf, splitting hairs on different procedures that women and families need to take in desperate times to save lives to be able to even have a family. it is a complete joke. he's a complete joke when he talks about women's rights and reproductive rights and we should absolutely not believe him when he says that he will pay or have the government pay for ivf treatments, because as

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we know well, not only is his running mate an extreme conservative on these issues, donald trump himself has gotten the party to be where it is at on these positions, and we should never take him at his word because he listens to the last and the most influential person he speaks to on major policy issues. >> i thank you very much for being with us. really appreciate it. up next, new information about inflation in a report released just this morning. we'll discuss it with president biden's top economic adviser jared bernstein. great seeing you. we'll talk in just a minute. plus ahead of the holiday weekend, millions of travelers will head out to celebrate the last stretch of summer. what you need to know before you hit the road. and later, what the vice president did and did not say about immigration. her immigration agenda in her first primetime interview as a democratic nominee. we're back in 90 seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. o diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. and that means there's about a 5 times greater

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administration's economic record last night in the first major interview, the 2024 campaign. but acknowledging it will take more to convince americans grappling with high food and housing costs that the economy is better off than it was four years ago. meanwhile, this morning, new reports from the commerce department on what consumers are spending on goods and services showed core prices edging up in july at the expected rate and it could be the green light the federal reserve needs to cut interest rates in september. joining now, jared bernstein. jared, always really grateful for your time. what was the major takeaway from this morning's personal consumption expenditures or pce >> report. >> great to be great to be with you, jose. two major takeaways. first of all, as you said, inflation continues to ease. that's very important from the perspective not just the federal reserve, but working americans. what we have now is consistently wages and incomes beating

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that prices. that means the purchasing power, the buying power of the paycheck has been growing in ways that help folks deal with prices that as the vice president say are still too high, but at least are coming down in some of the important cases. and, of course, we're working hard to aggressively put more downward pressure on a critical but cost. but the report also shows point two is that consumer spending was strong in july, up .4% for the month, just under 3% year over year, that means we have a real momentum in the overall economy as rising real pay and lower gas prices are helping consumers make ends meet giving them a bit of breathing room. the gas price is about 50 cents a gallon below where it was a year ago. that really helps on this labor day weekend. >> as you look at the big picture, and i'm just thinking of this pce price index showing 0.2% rise from last month when excluding food, energy and

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housing costs, what exactly is this showing us? >> one of the places where we saw some pressure on inflation earlier on in this cycle was from the very index you're citing, which is called nonhousing services. forget about the technicalities. what it really means is that the federal reserve was concerned there was a growing price pressures in the service side of the economy, where we have seen some wage pressures. what we see now is that that important index is also easing and giving the fed the room it needs to pursue the policies that it announced. so without getting into the specificity of those policies, what we're seeing in this report, whether it is the sub index you just raised or the overall take, the inflation is the lowest since it has been since early 2021, inflation is moving in the right direction

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and cost cutting is still top of our agenda. >> so when we are talking about, and this is just for folks that aren't, you know, imbued in all the details and the knowledge that you have, but what we're talking about the slowing of the increase of inflation on the products that we depend on, right? so, so, when does the slowing of the increase of inflation become a decrease in actual inflation? >> yes, so, let's offer some terminology here to maybe help untangle some of that. it is a great question. disinflation just means slower inflation, okay. so inflation, if we're talking about the index that came out today, was over 7% year over now year. now it is down to 2.5%. that's disinflation, slower inflation, moving in the right direction, getting back to the kind of rates we saw before the

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pandemic. deflation deflation means falling prices. now, look, we would not want to see broad price declines across the economy because it would take a really serious recession to get there. what we want to see are some of the prices that we're just clearly too high for the vice president talk to talk about groceries, housing, those are areas where we want to make costs come down. prescription drugs, an area where joe biden worked hard and successfully to reduce the cost of prescription drugs. not just lower inflation, reduce the cost. child care, housing, energy, those are all areas where we're trying to take actions to actually lower the costs. and i think the vice president has articulated some powerful policies in that regard. particularly she's been leaning into housing where we have a decade in the making shortage of affordable housing and her plan and great contrast to the opposition, which has no plan at all, could go a long way to chipping away at that shortage.

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>> yeah, you know, and in future conversations, i like to get your thoughts on the issue of price control, and what exactly a price control would look like. who that would benefit and what are the repercussions of the government becoming a part of the determining factor in what prices are on certain products. but that's for a future conversation, jared. i always learn something when i get the opportunity to -- >> let's get back to it. >> thanks, jared. appreciate it. after the break, we'll take a look at the forecast for this holiday weekend. what you need to know ahead of your end of summer celebration, summer is about to be over. and later, nbc news spoke with a group of latino voters from key states, how they're grappling with what they know about vice president harris and what they have seen with former president trump. >> i don't know if the country

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absorbine junior pro. nothing numbs pain more. 25 past the 25 past the hour. happening now, happening now, millions and millions of americans are starting to hit the road ahead of the labor day weekend. it is expected to be the weekend of record travel. this year, many travelers are

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forgoing vacations abroad for road trips to places like seattle or orlando, new york, the cost of domestic travel is down from last year, but international trips are likely to cost you more. nbc's priya srither joins us with more. >> reporter: that record-breaking travel season is translating into busy roads this holiday weekend, with many families choosing to do those regional road trips to try to stick closer to home because kids are back in school. if you're planning on hitting the road today, the best time is before noon. if you're on the east coast, with me, you're running out of the time. the worst time to hit the roads today would be between 2:00 and maybe 6:00. maybe hold off until after 7:00 tomorrow, it is tomorrow, it is better to travel on the roads in the afternoon. and if you're planning on returning home on sunday or monday, the earlier the better

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to avoid those afternoon traffic as you jams. as you mentioned, the price at the pump has actually been steadily decreasing, which is a good sign for motorists with the national average gas price at $3.36 per gallon, 14 cents down from last month. and actually a whopping 46 cents down from this time last year. and good news, jose, those prices are actually expecting to continue to decline until the end of this year. >> priya, thank you very much. nbc meteorologist michelle grossman has the labor day weekend forecast. michelle? >> -- tracking some showers and storms at least in the eastern half of the nation. this is a cold front that is stretching from the great lakes all the way down to the south central states, so keep the umbrella handy. as we'relooking at the chance for spotty showers and storms. green showing up on the map today, that's where we expect to see some rain. some of it could be heavy along the carolinas and especially along the gulf coast. we're going to see rain falling

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today, saturday, sunday and could see up to monday. could see up to 7 inches. back behind this front, nice, sunshine, heating up in the pacific northwest. temperatures into the 80s, warmer as we go throughout the let's weekend. let's look at the weekend, we're still seeing that cold front moving a little bit slower to the east. slow moving system. so it is going to keep that rain in place for a lot of this labor day weekend, from new england all the way through the interior parts of the northeast, into the great lakes, the ohio valley, also the south central states once again. this is tropical moisture that we're going to tap into along the gulf coast. bringing those flooding rains, but looking really nice back behind this front. lots of sunshine, we're drying to the northern plains, central plains, inner mountain west and the southwest. then as we near sunday, same story. that is that is that same front that kind of gets hung up here. notice it didn't move very far. still looking at the chance for strong storms, showers, and especially from parts of the mid-atlantic, the northeast, into parts of the tennessee valley, the south central states and notice this bright color here once again, unfortunately

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still seeing heavy rain falling along the gulf coast. monday, the unofficial end to summer, kind of the same story, really nice in the northern tier of the nation, the central part of the nation. it is the south where we see the storms once again. and the weekend washout continues along the gulf coast. could see showers and storms, some heavy in the carolinas as but well. but a fall preview in the so how northeast. so how will this impact us we're today? we're looking at delays in the area of detroit, st. louis, houston, charlotte, new orleans, orlan unfortunately looking unfortunately looking at some airport delays and some slow roads as well. back to you. >> michelle grossman, thank you so very much. up next, the white house restarting immigration program that was initially paused over fraud concerns. has the problem been resolved? plus what some latino voters are saying about vice president harris and how her candidacy has informed their views on the 2024 race. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis.

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34 past the hour. in her interview last night, vice president harris once again committed to signing the failed bipartisan border security bill, if it came to her desk. also defending her work trying to tackle the root causes of vice president migration. vice president was also asked if she still believed the border should be decriminalized. >> i believe we have laws we have laws that have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. and there should be >> consequences. >> this comes as a new quinnipiac university poll finds that when it comes to the immigration, 51% of likely voters think trump would do a better job handling the issue. 46% say harris would be better. with us now, nbc news homeland security correspondent julia good ainsley. good what did what did we learn last night about where the vice president stands on immigration?

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>> well, again, she keeps pointing back to this bill that failed to get through earlier this year, but was actually negotiated and agreed upon by both sides of the aisle in the senate and that was really one of the most conservative bills we have ever seen, especially because the biden administration agreed to do things like have a trigger to shut down the border at certain points and agree to do more wall building. now, of course, there were a lot of concessions made in that, it is not clear if some of those concessions, she wouldn't get behind now, but it does seem to be a more hawkish approach from what we saw from harris previously in her career, even as vice president. one of the things that they have been able to do already, though, is to have certain parts to shut down the border as they have done now, through that june 3rd executive action that the biden/harris administration too so we so we could expect to see that kind of policy continue, that's kept the numbers very low at the border. we should we should also remind viewers that it is not that she is suddenly behind a trump policy of building the border wall.

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that is something that there has been a lot of debate about. instead, what the harris campaign is saying is that she has agreed to spend money that already has been allocated toward building the wall, that's something the biden administration has done as well. just about a year ago, they moved to try to wave some of the environmental protections that were standing in their way to continue construction so they could also continue border wall. she does not get behind some of those policies from the trump campaign, such as mass deportations. those things are far beyond what she wants to do. she's pointing to her work on root causes. while a lot of that work wasn't very public and fell off after she was named the person to work on root causes for the biden administration in 2021, she was able to secure private public investment in central america that had brought in over $5 billion and in a lot of cases connected people to financial institutions and the internet in those countries. that's a lot of work that doesn't always get noticed, you can also say maybe that's because of the investment not because of her. but it started with a memorandum

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she signed in mexico in 2021. >> and you also happened to be reporting on how the biden administration is restarting an immigration program that has been put on pause? >> yeah, this is surprising. we spoke about this earlier this week, jose, because we found an internal report we reviewed here at nbc news that found only 3200 sponsors are responsible for bringing in over 100,000 those migrants. those are people from cuba, haiti, nicaragua, and venezuela, that have been allowed to apply from their home countries for entry and work authorization into the united states so long as they had a u.s.-based they're sponsor. they're providing this program even though they haven't finished going through thousands of those red flag applications that looked like they could be indicators of immigration fraud. they say there is no problem with the immigrants who are applying, those people are thoroughly vetted, but trying to do more careful vetting of the sponsors and including fingerprinting going forward. jose, i have to point out if you're scratching your head why would they continue this program if they haven't finished the

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review into fraud, it is because there san eagerness in the administration to restart this program because they believe it is one of the reasons keeping numbers so low at the border and worried if the migrants can apply legally, they might start coming across the border illegally which could drive up the numbers heading into >> november. >> we have talc that about the role mexico is playing on holding some of the people that have crossed into mexico with the intention coming to the united states, holding them back because the number of people crossing through the gap continues to be almost at record thank you numbers. thank you for being with us. we appreciate it. latino voters are going to be a crucial segment of our voting population this election, especially in battleground states. and there and there is not a latino vote, there are latino voters, i often say. each of them with their own each of them with their own concerns and own concerns and own in a in a new focus group, nbc news spoke with nine skeptical latino voters about who they are

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planning to vote for. joining us now, ben kamisar. good to see you. what did the voters have to say? >> it was interesting, that kind of dynamic we saw play out, you know, obviously this is shortly after harris takes over as the nominee on the democratic side, and, you know, on the trump side, these voters, they know trump, they understand what he's pitching and they have really kind of come to a conclusion on how they feel about him, for better or for worse. with harris, there was a broad sense of unfamiliarity, and one that really opens up a significant blessing for the democrats and potentially a let's take a let's take a >> so >> so when a head to head race between harris and trump, who would take trump? >> this is such a hard decision. i feel like i have to pick between the lesser of the two he's evils. he's at least a known entity. i know what to expect with him. >> andreas, why would you take

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>> at harris? >> at the very least, she's confident in her ability to run the government and i don't know if the country would survive another four >> we live in >> we live in a two-party these system. these are the two candidates. majority of policies i kind of put forward and believe in, or democrats go for the republicans, especially in this kind of republican iteration, which i'm not a fan of. >> what do you fear with harris? >> the unknown. the fact that we don't know where she stands on different and policies. and if she just follows the democratic line, not much has gotten done the past four years, what is going to get done the next four. >> while both candidates do scare me, i think trump at least with trump i know what he's going to do to us. >> this devil we know versus devil we don't know dynamic was throughout this focus group, with people who said they would support trump, people who said they would support harris and

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people who didn't know. i think one important thing is there is a lot of leeway for harris to define herself in that most of these voters don't really blame her or give her any credit for anything that happened during the biden administration. they really put that on biden. so there is an opening for her to sort of make that definition. the question is can she reach these voters and sway them or will this sort of specter of unfamiliarity -- >> nbc's ben kamisar, thank you very much. up next, we're going to take you live to kyiv where ukrainian officials are investigating the crash of a u.s.-made fighter jet as it was fending off russian an attacks. an update from venezuela, the country in darkness. no electricity for most of the country. also the dramatic new steps the maduro regime is taking to crack down and suppress the results of last month's election. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. a. more effecti ve for 24-hour, non-drowsy allergy relief in 1 pill. live claritin clear.

8:43 am

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costs and seeing any doctor who accepts medicare patients. oh, and happy birthday... or retirement... in advance. 46 46 past the hour. new developments in the war in ukraine. new pictures just in new pictures just in of defense secretary lloyd austin at the pentagon this morning. this as ukrainian military officials confirm that an f-16 jet was shot down killing its pilot, while repelling a barrage of russian missiles this week. erin mclaughlin joins us from kyiv. erin, these erin, these handful of f-16s supplied to ukraine by western partners have been crucial to their defenses.

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what do we know about what happened here? >> reporter: we don't know much, actually, jose. we still don't know why the f-16 jet crashed. this is what ukrainian authorities are saying, they're saying on monday, in the midst of that massive russian missile attack, russia launched more than 100 missiles and 100 drones at ukraine on monday. the f-16s for the first time on the battlefield here in ukraine according to president zelenskyy were part of that air defense, trying to shoot those missiles out of the sky. moonfish, that's his call sign, the pilot in question, was flying one of those f-16s according to ukrainian he officials. he shot down three missiles and one drone and was on his way to another target when they suddenly lost communication with him. he he crashed and died. now that crash is under

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investigation. ukrainian air force ukrainian air force announced a newly arrived f-16 fighter jet crashed during the massive russian missile attack on monday killing top ukrainian pilot lieutenant colonel alexi mes, known by his call sign moonfish, he spoke to nbc news months into the war. >> it was the most difficult times the first couple of days. >> reporter: the crash is under investigation as the deadly game of who blinks first continues, with russia gaining ground in ukraine's east, while ukraine takes more land in the russian region of kursk. the russian border is a straight shot that way. this week we visited the ukrainian city of sumi, less than 20 miles from the russian now the border. now the staging ground for ukraine's historic invasion. putin has said russia has no borders, this ukrainian officer now says. now we have shown we can enter russian territory. we spoke with ukrainian commander inside russia, nbc news is withholding his name at

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the military's request for security purposes. are you gaining ground? yes, little by little, he says. he tells us they have been given strict instructions in how to interact with russian civilians. we were told to help them as much as we can, he says. >> every two hours you hear some >> reporter: explosions. >> reporter: this resident says she wants m >> reporter: and >> reporter: and we are now hearing of yet another russian attack on another ukrainian city, this time on kharkiv. the second largest city in ukraine, according to the kharkiv tonight turning tonight turning to venezuela, many people woke up

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to a nationwide blackout. maduro blames the outages on electrical sabotage. maduro says this was some kind of sabotage. this comes as opposition leader was summoned to appear before the regimes public prosecutor's office, he was summoned as part of maduro's efforts to suppress the results of last month's election after the opposition posted ballots online showing gonzales won and won in a landslide. this is the third time gonzales is being summoned. if he does not appear, there could be a arrest warrant against him. thousands of people have already been detained last month alone including reports of over 150 children arrested. at least, 27 people have been

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splenda stevia can be. grown on our farm, enjoyed at your table. (♪♪) so often so often the good news doesn't get as much attention as the bad, we wanted to bring you the story of john henry leah, a six-year-old boy with a rare congenital heart condition that's getting a second chance at life after finding a donor match that gave him a new heart. he's undergone for open-heart surgeries but now his mother says that she starting to see her son be whole again. >> phyllis, i'm getting a new heart! >> what?

8:57 am

you are getting a new heart! oh, you are not matching the vibe today? >> congratulations! >> i'm getting a new heart! >> yes! >> do you still want to go on an ice cream date? >> that's just one of the many stories, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. here's some more stories of people helping lift each other up. >> this is the moment jim and lisa oates met there hero. that's denver advent health porter icu nurse nick johnson. the couple was alone riding bikes on a colorado trail when jim went into cardiac arrest.

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>> it's nice to meet you. >> by luck, neck was also on the trail and jumped into action doing cpr that helped save jim's life. for the grandparents of five, his life-saving aid has given ed and jim a precious future with family. >> your efforts have led to me being in a situation where i can enjoy the family. i can enjoy my experiences. thank you, nick. >> i don't know what to say. i just want to keep saying thank you. >> and here's a dad, going the distance. martin traveled across the country to surprises ellie charger son, shane, at practice. mark, bouncing back from a massive heart attack he had earlier this year. showing shane and the whole team what grit looks like. >> so what i say to you guys is anything is possible, anything.

8:59 am

>> houses for a celebration in the sky? that's united express flight first officer, surprising her dad. a hard-working immigrant who sacrificed so much for the family . >> daddy i wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support throughout my flight career. your belief in me has been the wind beneath my wings . >> here in los angeles, we were so moved to cb's first responders showing up to support the family of a beloved colleague. some 75 members from the ellie county sheriff's department,

9:00 am

bringing the two children of deputy gonzales to their first day of school. he died of cancer earlier this month. for these guys it was a chance to let his little ones know, they will never be alone. >> he was a great mentor. >> we can't replace him as dad but we can offer the support that they need throughout the rest of their lives. >> what is the bigger message here? >> we are a family, we are all going to back each other up. even when they are gone, we will still be there for their family. >> that wraps up the hour for me. thank you for the privilege of your time. picking up with more news, right now. right now on msnbc reports, and her first interview as the democratic nominee, vice presiden h

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